“DAIM’s programme comprises the construction, as well as de-construction of a word (at some point, in between the processes of annealing and erasure, it emerges out of a synaesthetic sphere! And reveals: that it came into being out of nothingness and is always on the verge of disappearing into it again. DAIM-graffitis can be seen as fixed images of a word-formation that is constantly threatening to reassemble, denying access, escaping the demands of tangibility and, thereby, remain free and sovereign.
With every new DAIM-piece, Mirko Reisser takes possession of another piece of the world; and with every new DAIM-piece, the world takes possession of another piece of Mirko Reisser. “Shaping the character of letters and at the same time, discovering one’s own” is his dictum. The character of the letters remains variable, abstruse, in short: ambivalent (and, thus, subversive). In between construction and de-construction, two- and three-dimensions, complexity of shape and simplification of content, between seclusion and an invitation to communicate, Mirko Reisser’s works reveal the unfathomable rift of the world – at the crossing of which the beholder increasingly struggles.”
Arne Rautenberg